The Shanghai Licensing Expo is an annual event that showcasesthe latest licensing trends, products, and collaborations fromaround the world. The expo attracts industry professionals, brands,and fans of all things licensing related.
Held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, the expofeatures hundreds of exhibitors representing various categoriessuch as animation, comics, film, television, games, and more.Visitors can expect to see a range of officially licensedmerchandise, including apparel, toys, accessories, and more.
The expo also hosts a variety of activities such as workshops,seminars, and networking events that provide valuable insights intothe licensing industry. Additionally, there are often celebrityappearances and interactive experiences that offer attendees aunique and memorable experience.
If you're interested in the world of licensing or looking toexplore new business opportunities, the Shanghai Licensing Expo isan excellent place to do so. It's a must-attend event for anyonewho loves all things licensing!